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Notice Your Blessings by Journaling through the Psalms

December 10, 2020 - 3 minute read

One of my favorite things to do is to travel. By travel, I mean seeing different sights (even if it’s just the beach twenty minutes away!) and experiencing something new. I notice that when I travel I talk to God more because I have left my busy and routine life behind me. I feel blessed for being able to experience His beauty, which I sometimes glance over or forget completely in the busyness of my everyday life. Although I haven’t been able to travel to faraway destinations recently, I have found journaling through the Psalms to be a helpful escape during this time when I feel trapped in my room. Journaling through the Psalms has reminded me that I can be happy in the midst of struggles and anxiety because of the great blessings I still have in my everyday life. So, grab your Bible and journal, find your quiet space or travel to whatever landscape you love (hills, mountains, city, coffee shops, beaches, etc.), and let’s begin!

First, pick one of the Psalms to look into; Psalms 100-130 are great for recognizing your blessings since they are known for being the praise Psalms. Then, follow the acronym W.R.I.T.E. as you read through the verses:

Write: Write out the verse(s) you are using as they are written in your Bible. Writing them out helps you focus specifically on the verse(s) by taking time to recognize each word as you write it.

Rewrite: Rephrase the verse(s) to include your own praise specific to you. For example, when Psalms 103:2-3 says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul…who heals all your diseases” maybe you would rewrite it to say, “…who heals COVID-19” as a remembrance of the blessing of His healing in the midst of the pandemic.

Investigate: Investigate where God has placed you today. He may have placed you in a new location or in the same room you’ve been in since March. Either way, write about the location you’re in and what’s around you using details, cataloguing (listing out in detail), sensory descriptions, metaphors, etc. to get a full analysis of the location, objects, people, and feelings surrounding you.

Thank: Thank God for the blessings you have. Thank Him for the people, places, objects, and feelings around you, even if they do not seem positive, because He is helping you grow through all of it! When you take time to think and reflect on things to be thankful for, your gratitude grows!

Entreat: Ask God for not only your needs, but especially the needs of your neighbors. Take your prayer requests to God and ask Him to continue revealing His blessings to you!

You can repeat this for each verse within the Psalm, or even combine a couple of verses together and do it in sections—whichever works for you! Journaling through the Psalms is beneficial not only when you travel and experience God’s creation, but also in this time where you may feel trapped in your room. Journaling allows time for contemplation and recognition of the blessings God has placed in your life, and it gives you the opportunity to express your faith and thankfulness to God and others (if you decide to share your journal entries).Writing, especially reflective journaling, allows you to grow in your relationship with God who’s blessed us all with the beauty and goodness of His creation!


Alec is from the great state of Wisconsin! He is a senior English major with minors in Lutheran teaching and global cultural studies. In addition, he has also participated in the sixth Around-the-World semester and was a finalist in the Great Commission Showcase. He loves writing because it allows him to organize and process his thoughts and experiences in order to add deeper insights to express himself. When his major doesn’t have him reading a dozen different books while simultaneously writing twice as many essays on them, you can find him at the beach either napping or spending quality time with friends. 

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